Introductory services for businesses in UAE

We at M.A.I. Project Management Corporation, provide to our valuable client with the below introductory services for businesses in UAE:

Planning and Strategy

  • Create a comprehensive international business plan for entry or expansion into targeted markets.
  • Get ideas and cost-effective solutions to help achieve your business goals.

Legal and Regulatory Issues

  • Determine export licensing needs for shipping your products.
  • Understand and comply with global product standards, certification requirements, electricity regulations, and packaging laws.
  • Learn how to avoid intellectual property rights issues and legal disputes.
Introductory Services for Businesses in UAE

Documentation and Product Requirements

  • Learn about export documents, including Electronic Export Information filing, invoices, packing lists, and certificates of origin.
  • Verify the tariff rate for your product, as well as any import fees for a particular market.

Trade Problems

  • Get assistance with customs-related issues.
  • Learn how to limit the risk of non-payment, and receive counseling if problems arise.

Trade Finance and Insurance

  • Consultation to formulate an export finance strategy leveraging loan programs provided and other trade finance organizations to reduce risk and enable your company to offer competitive terms of sale.
  • Get guidance on pricing your products and services to ensure competitiveness in your target markets while maximizing your profits.
  • Business Matchmaking.